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WFHSS Courses and Seminar Listings - English Version


WFHSS - World Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply :: Courses & Seminars

WFHSS Courses and Seminar Listings

Online Training Courses Upcoming Seminars Past Seminars

Online Training Programmes

  • NHS Estates National Decontamination Training Programme
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  • Formation Hygienosia 2006 - Bonnes Pratiques de Stérilisation Hospitalière
    [in French] [ See also ]
    • Le Diplôme Inter-universitaire de stérilisation (université de Lyon et de Grenoble) est cette année enseigné en ligne d'octobre 2005 à mai 2006. La session présentielle en Mai permet d'animer des tables-rondes sur les sujets traités en ligne. Les étudiants disposent d'une plate-forme de e-learning qui leur permet de travailler à distance.
      [ More information: ]
    • Les personnels des services de stérilisation disposent d'un programme "Bonnes pratiques de stérilisation" La formation dure plusieurs mois à raison d'une séance de deux heures tous les 15 jours. Cela permet aux personnels de se former sur les lieux mêmes de travail.
      [ More information: ]
    • Les écoles d'infirmières de bloc ont aussi leur programme en formation initiale. Cette année, l'école d'IBODES de Grenoble (l'IFSI Saint Martin) a recours à ce dispositif en ligne pour ses élèves. Cela leur permet de travailler à leur rythme en se connectant à la plate-forme y compris pendant la période des stages hospitaliers où elles peuvent faire le lien entre l'enseignement et la pratique. L'examen sera organisé sous surveillance dans une salle équipée d'ordinateurs connectés où elles répondront à un questionnaire de 100 réponses.
      [ More information: Formation Hygienosia 2006 - Bonnes Pratiques de Stérilisation Hospitalière ]

Please see also WFHSS Education for online training programmes, self study lessons, correspondence courses, distance education, etc.

Online Training Courses Upcoming Seminars Past Seminars


  • UK Level 3 National Vocational Qualification in Health (Decontamination)

    The new Level 3 NVQ in Health (Decontamination) has now been launched. The Institute of Decontamination Sciences (IDSc) is working with Eastwood Park, Falfield to be the central delivery route for this qualification.

    This NVQ is appropriate for those who are actively involved in the collection, preparation, loading and decontamination of surgical instruments and medical devices. It covers both manual cleaning of instruments as well as the loading and operating of decontamination equipment in a Sterile Services or Decontamination Department. Candidates will also prepare and carry out sterilisation of re-usable medical devices. All SSD staff should consider working towards this NVQ as it supersedes the current TVQ, which will be phased out in 2007.

    Eastwood Park is also a Grade 'A' learning centre for A1 NVQ Assessor and V1 NVQ Internal Verifier Awards. The A1 Award is mandatory for anyone who is not yet qualified to 'D32/D33' and wishes to assess candidates undertaking the Decontamination NVQ, either in-house or peripatetically. In addition, you must be occupationally competent in the field of decontamination to assess this NVQ. If you have a qualified and occupationally competent NVQ assessor 'in-house', it will drastically reduce the fee for candidates undertaking the Decontamination NVQ. The V1 Award is mandatory for anyone who wishes to internally verify assessments of candidates undertaking the Decontamination NVQ, either in-house or peripatetically. You must be occupationally knowledgeable in the field of decontamination and the NVQ assessment processes to undertake this role.

    [ More information: ]
  • Mayfield Education offer lots of courses, such as:
    • Certificate III in Health Service Assistance (Sterilisation Services) HLT31102 - which can be done by face to face lectures (2 intakes per year of 15 contact days) or by correspondence (Distance Education) commencing any time (takes on average 12months to complete). This is open to both Sterilising Technicians and Nurses. if they are interested in further study or career advancement, they can then do the Certificate IV in Workplace Supervision - to become supervisors in their departments.
    • Validation of Steam Sterilisation - a three day short course
    • Introduction to Sterilising Services - a two day short course for new staff or people seeking employment in the area
    • Certificate in Infection Control and Sterilisation - this is equivalent to a Graduate Certificate (half of a post graduate diploma) it is for staff (mostly nurses - but we have some others) that want a qualification to be an Infection Control Consultants or a Sterilising Manager. It is delivered over 30 contact days once a year.
    [ More information: ]

Online Training Courses Upcoming Seminars Past Seminars

Upcoming Seminars

Online Training Courses Upcoming Seminars Past Seminars

Past Seminars

WFHSS - World Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply :: Courses & Seminars

© 2006 WFHSS " Updated: 13 June 2006, 10:30 [GMT]