WFHSS - World Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply

Mitglieder [17.11.2008] new WFHSS member organization: IHCC - Iranian Health Care centers (Iran)
Kommunikation [20.11.2008] Open letter to heads of sterilization departments in countries where there are no national societies
Konferenzen & Kongresse [19.11.2008] current Conference: Annual NZSSA Conference 2008 "Join the Rush - Knowledge is Gold" - 19/20/21 November 2008 - Queensland, New Zealand
Kurse & Seminare
Fragen & Antworten [20.11.2008] new question 1994: Paint
Publikationen [14.11.2008] new publication: Central Service Issue 5/08
Weiterbildung [17.11.2008] Transmissible spongiform encephalopathy agents: safe working and the prevention of infection Guidance from the Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens' TSE Working Group by United Kingdom Department of Health - ACDP TSE Working Group
Industrielle Partner [18.11.2008] new WFHSS Industrial Partner: ArjoWiggins - Medical & Hospital Paper
Commercial Announcements
Related Sites & Links [18.11.2008] link to new Industrial Partner ArjoWiggins added
Industrielle Partner:


Entwickelt von Baumeister Mediasoft Engineering

WFHSS - World Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply

Central Service - Issue 1/01 - English VersionZentralsterilisation - Ausgabe 1/01 - Deutsche Version


WFHSS - World Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply:: Publikationen :: Fachzeitschriften :: Zentralsterilisation :: Zentralsterilisation - Archiv :: Zentralsterilisation 1/01
Zentralsterilisation - Ausgabe 1/01

Zentralsterilisation - Ausgabe 1/01

Die folgende Information ist im Augenblick leider nicht in Deutsch verfügbar. Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis.


BSE, CJD - Now What To Do?


What's New in Standardisation: Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
BVMed: new name - new fields of business and representation
Second MPG Amendment shall come into force by July 2001
Quality Assurance in Hospital Hygiene
3rd Kassel Symposium for Hospital Hygiene in Rotenburg/Fulda, January 26 - 27, 2001


L. Jatzwauk:
Thermal Disinfection Effect Achieved in the Washer-Disinfectors Used in Hospitals.
Comparison with the Requirements in prEN ISO 15883-1
(Zentr Steril 2001; 9 (1): 14-19)

The current draft of prEN 15883-1 (Washer-Disinfectors: general requirements, definitions, tests) quantifies the requisite thermal disinfection effect in the form of an A0 value. Thermoelectric measurements have shown that at present the majority of washer-disinfectors in routine operation in German hospitals, compared with the cited draft standard, are being operated with too high values for exposure times and temperatures.

Th. W. Fengler, H. Pahlke, S. Bisson, W. Michels:
Are Processed Surgical Instruments Free of Protein?
Results of the clinical multi-centre residual contamination study of processing (MRSA)
(Zentr Steril 2000; 9 (1): 20-32)

In a first national clinical multicentre study the invisible residual contamination of different surgical instruments with blood and proteins after cleaning was assessed. The study was designed as a prospective observation study to analyse the actual situation. It was shown that using 2 semi-quantitative and one quantitative method, residual protein or blood could be detected in a considerable proportion of eluat specimens. These findings do not allow for a statement with regard to endangering patients. It does, however, emphasise the need for the development of a method which allows for an evaluation of cleaning efficiency, to ensure process validation for all steps of sterile supply processing.

R. Schmidt:
Sterility of Surfaces
(Zentr Steril 2000; 9 (1): 33-44)

The problems associated with attachment to, and detachment from, material surfaces have meantime assumed such gigantic proportions that an independent sponsorship programme has been devoted to this subject. Already for many years now efforts have been underway to guarantee sterility by means of boundary surface concepts which are based on the theory of bioadhesion. To date, it has not been possible to formulate a well-defined model concept. This situation also explains why there are no test standards available for characterisation of "sterility". Beginning with a brief overview of the established theoretical approaches, their limitations will be highlighted on the basis of current investigations. The conclusion to be drawn here is that there is no absolutely sterile surface. What should be done is to define limit values of relevance to everyday practice and devise methods for unambiguously ascertaining the latter.


Old Steam Sterilisers


P. Heeg
Fungi as Pathogens


Release and Storage of Medical Devices after Sterilisation

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mhp steht für Medizin, Hygiene und Prävention. Der mhp-Verlag ist seit mehr als 20 Jahren Spezialist für Publikationen im Bereich der Hygiene.
WFHSS - World Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply:: Publikationen :: Fachzeitschriften :: Zentralsterilisation :: Zentralsterilisation - Archiv :: Zentralsterilisation 1/01

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